It's Friday! And once again our inherent laziness has found us writing the grand sum of bugger all for the site. We were going to do something yesterday but we managed to lock ourselves out of the house instead, which is quite frankly a rubbish excuse, but it does have the advantage of being true. So, as well as learning that it's always a good idea to make sure that we actually have our keys with us, here's what else we've learnt this week, thanks to the magic of
Top of the Pops:-
- Ashanti still can't mime for toffee, but her dancing has improved since the last time she graced the Top of the Pops stage.
- Hanson are back! They have, unfortunately, matured since the heady days of 1997 and are, consequentially, less good, but new single Penny and Me is not without it's charms.
- Taylor Hanson has taken to wearing glasses which make him look like he's about to either whip them off and reveal himself to be Superman or start discussing the merits of friendly bacteria in a slightly too intense manner.
- Nelly has stopped wearing a sticking plaster on his cheek, this means that his imprisoned mate, who he was wearing it in support for, has been released or, as we feel is more likely, he's finally realised that it makes him look like an absolute cock.
- His new single, Over and Over, goes on and on and makes you hope desperately that his career will soon be over and over.
- McFly are doing the Comic Relief single, which is quite appropriate given that they're a joke band. As it's for charity and, as such, they won't be getting any royalties, they've not bothered putting much effort into the track, preferring to slow down Obviously, add a string section, change the words a bit and call it All About You.
- We were treated to the Destiny's Child performance of Soldier from a fortnight ago for no other reason than that they had no-one better to put on. Something proven when Mike Read appeared to introduce the video for his tsunami appeal record Grief Never Gets Old nor, it seems, does blatant self publicity on the back of a tragedy. It is, however, a quite appropriate release being, as it is, a tidal wave of absolute shit.
- People must surely have stopped giving a shit about Green Day by now? At least new single Holiday is slightly better than boulevard of Broken Dream in the same way that manslaughter is slightly better than murder.
- Elvis is at number one. Again. Oh, for fuck's sake.