Wednesday, May 31, 2006
10 Things We State About...

- Girls Aloud are currently celebrating their 53rd week at the number one spot. In our head.
- Wet Wet Wet's 15 week long reign at the top spot was not, unsurprisingly, down to the tastes of the British public, but was in actual fact part of a government cover up designed to convince the population that love actually was all around. It later transpired that, thanks to an army exercise gone wrong, it was Agent Orange that was all around, hence the strange feelings in peoples fingers and toes.
- Any act that spends more than 10 weeks on the chart gets a home visit from Top 40 king Mark Goodier. Whether they want it or not.
- The record which spent the shortest time on the charts was Together at Last, a single by Chico, Gary Glitter and Toploader which included their infamous take on songs from the Chitty Chitty Bang band musical. Their chart run lasted for a whole five minutes.
- The only person to have a number one from each decade is Cliff Richard. But that's only because most people lose interest in buying singles once they reach their forties.
- Bryan Adams lasted 16 weeks at number one with Everything I Do (I Do it For You), and it became the gift of choice from many boyfriends to their girlfriends. The fact that for most girlfriends the one single, solitary thing they didn't want their boyfriend to do for them was buy that godawful single went straight over their heads.
- By staying at number one for so long, Gnarls Barkley join an exclusive club. It's called the Jesus Wept, Is it Still There?! Collective
- Vanilla once found themselves spending 13 weeks at Number One. Then their landlord put the rent up and they had to move to Number 26 instead, which was cheaper but didn't have a working shower.
- The song which has spent the longest on the chart is JK and Joel are Tossers by Radiohead. It has currently spent over two years in the top 40, much to Jk and Joels annoyance, but Bruno Brookes' delight.
- Sandi Thom isn't really going to be a hell of a lot better, is she?
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Eurovision: Done with Stylus
The always entertaining Stylus Magazine have put up part one of their blow by blow account of this year's Eurovision extravaganza. Despite the fact we've contributed to it, it's well worth a read and we urge you to make your way there immediatly. Cheers!
Oh! And our review of the Girls Aloud gig will be appearing later this week, just as soon as we've managed to come down from the experience enough to write something which isn't along the lines of "OHMYGODITWASSOACE!". (And when we're not too busy going to see Isobel Campbell and The Research do gigs. Though we don't expect them to be as good as the Girls. There probably won't be even half as many costume changes)
music eurovision
Oh! And our review of the Girls Aloud gig will be appearing later this week, just as soon as we've managed to come down from the experience enough to write something which isn't along the lines of "OHMYGODITWASSOACE!". (And when we're not too busy going to see Isobel Campbell and The Research do gigs. Though we don't expect them to be as good as the Girls. There probably won't be even half as many costume changes)
music eurovision
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
10 Things We State About...

- Neil and Chris once released an album of brass band covers with the title I Wouldn't Normally Do This Kind of Swing.
- Dusty Springfield was only roped in to duet on What Have I Done To Deserve This? when first choice Su Pollard was unable to make the recording date. "She's hilarious!", said Neil. "Especially when she falls into a swimming pool", he added. Unnecessarily.
- Always on My Mind was written about Chris's baseball cap.
- One of Neil's partners was ever so slightly kinky and would only ever have sex when he was dressed up as one of a variety of furry animals. Alas, the relationship eventually stumbled to an end with Neil angrily storming out declaring "You only tell me you love me when you're a skunk".
- Neil Tennant is Doctor Who actor David Tennant's uncle
- Chris Lowe is the Nicola Roberts of the group: underrated, moody, unlikely to get asked too many questions in interviews, ginger, etc.
- English gent Neil is so intelligent that he knows the difference between a metaphor and a simile.
- Famously Neil used to edit Smash Hits, but what is slightly less well known is that Chris is the current editor of Buzz!, the Scottish Power in house magazine.
- Pet Shop Boys was the title of a single by Go West.
- If you don't at least own Pop Art, their greatest hits, then you're a fool to yourself.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
What Did We Learn at School Eurovision Today on Saturday
So, Saturday then. The whole Eurovision spectacle itself was an event as gloriously enjoyable as eating a twix and a banana at the same time, but Daz's less than impressive placing not only put bit of a dampener on the night, it seriously screwed up the planned drinking game, the gist of which involved downing a shot every time Daz scored some points. Had we stuck to that plan we'd all have ended up staying sober. Well, soberer at any rate.
It shouldn't really have come as much of a surprise. After all, for the last few years Britain hasn't exactly done stunningly well no matter how hard we try, and we've been trying everything. We've tried sending something decent - Daz Sampson - we've tried sending pish - Jemini - and we've tried doing the same thing as every single other act that year - Javine - and yet we still can't seem to pull ourselves up from the bottom end of the league table. So what, aside from bribing every single person in Europe to vote for us, can we do to engender a change in our fortunes? Well...
It shouldn't really have come as much of a surprise. After all, for the last few years Britain hasn't exactly done stunningly well no matter how hard we try, and we've been trying everything. We've tried sending something decent - Daz Sampson - we've tried sending pish - Jemini - and we've tried doing the same thing as every single other act that year - Javine - and yet we still can't seem to pull ourselves up from the bottom end of the league table. So what, aside from bribing every single person in Europe to vote for us, can we do to engender a change in our fortunes? Well...
- Make Some Friends. No-one in Europe seems to like us much - apart from Ireland, and with the godawful tripe they served up we're not entirely sure we want them in our gang - and, while it's a cliche to go on about the political nature of the voting - and without it Terry Wogan would have nothing to say for the last hour of the broadcast - but to deny it makes a difference would be like denying Rachel Stevens her rightful place at the top of the charts. Oh. It seems unlikely that our other near neighbours, France, will ever give much more than two zuts about us, so we're going to need to do something drastic. We recommend invading one of the Slavic countries. Now, we know what you're thinking, and yes, in a short term sense it's unlikely to do us any favours in the contest and may well lead to our entrants being shunned during rehearsals and possibly dragged off to face trial for war crimes, but! If we look in a more long term view, say 50 years down the line, our presence there will seem perfectly natural and we'll be able to rely on a bit of block voting to help us on our way. If they look like they might put up a bit of a fight then we reckon one of the Nordic countries might be an easier victory. Either way it'll still be easier than trying to win Eurovision by any other means.
- Start Our Own Contest. If no-one wants us there, let's go home, get a new ball and have our own contest, where we're the only entrants and so are guaranteed victory. Let's run Song for Europe or Making Your Mind Up as normal, and then, when the rest of Europe are having their shindig, we'll have our own show and Terry can commentate away on it to his little xenophobic heart's content. Of course, given that under the rules of Eurovision we'll be unable to vote for ourselves, we'll still end up with zero points, it'll be a somewhat pyrrhic victory, but we'd still be in first place, and that's all that matters. And last place too, but never mind.
- Keep Sending Jemini. A perverse tactic, but if we threaten to continually send one of the worst acts to have ever graced the Eurovision stage to the contest until they let us win they're bound to give in eventually. Sure, at first they'll try and call our bluff and give them the zeroes they deserve, reasoning that we won't want them embarrassing us, but after three or four years of out of tune singing, duff dancing and songs which would make even Jordan become uncomfortable about doing, they'll be begging for a respite and giving us the sort of marks which would make Abba blush. Speaking of which...
- Clone Abba. Now, we're not quite sure how the laws surrounding this would work, but we reckon that if there clones were grown in a petri dish in this country, or at least a petri dish that was manufactured here, then they'd legally be British citizens, and so eligible to write a song to represent our good nation. It wouldn't even matter if the clones didn't come out right and looked a bit wonky. It didn't stop the Finnish scientists when their version of Westlife came out slightly off-centre.
Monday, May 22, 2006
Thoughts of the Pops

Which, as we're sure you'll agree, is quite excited, indeed. But it's still a week away, so we've got to keep our feet on the ground for the next few days, and so that we come at it fresh, succeed at the slightly harder task of avoiding hearing anything whatsoever about what we fully expect to be the greatest moment of our life to date, and one that will probably remain so until something impossibly fantastic comes along to take it's place, though the only thing that springs immediately to mind is the first night of Nicola's solo tour. To maintain our ignorance we're avoiding any vaguely trendy or up to date music shows for fear of learning things we'd rather find out on the night, so with that in mind we naturally tuned in to Top of the Pops and here's what we learnt:-
- Fearne, wearing a lovely top, was joined by Diarmud Gavin. Something to do with gardening, apparently.
- Lady Sovereign is ace - and she rocks the side ponytail look, making her doubly so - so quite why she feels the need to lower herself and perform with disappointing-if-they-were-just-a-ska-covers-band-in-your-local-pub thrill avoiders The Ordinary Boys is something we'll never understand.
- Mind you, we still don't understand why the equally ace Chantelle hasn't started looking further up the celebrity list for her boyfriend. She's easily up to Hollyoaks actor standard now.
- Sunblock featuring Robin Beck were doing First Time. Can someone please put a moratorium on 80's compilation CD's being sold to aspiring dancey types in the vague hope they might come up with an original idea for a change.
- RETRO: Take That doing Everything Changes. And, fortunately for them, it did. Starting with the choreographer and ending with the hairdresser and stylist.
- Annoyingly, the new Feeling song isn't half bad. They're still as far away from pop genius as Shayne Ward is from a long term career, but they're not as unremittingly awful as we first suspected.
- Yes! It turns out that Gnarls Barkley do have songs that aren't Crazy, as The Boogie Monster proved. We're not sure that dressing gowns will catch on as a 'look', though.
- The Beautiful South have a new single out and it could be Rotterdam or Liv... well, anyone of their songs really. It's called Manchester and sounds exactly like you'd expect it to.
- Bright Idea, the new Orson single sounds exactly like you'd expect as well: the sound of a million souls screaming in eternal agony.
- And Breaks Co-op, a band founded by Radio 1 DJ/Annoyance Zane Lowe also sounds like you'd expect: shite of the highest order.
- Ronan Keating has teamed up with the occasionally fanciable Kate Rusby for All Over Again, a technique we believe is known as "Bringing her down to his level".
- GB are at number one for the eight week running. That's Gnarls Barkley by the way, not Gary Barlow. Just in case there was any confusion.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
They Don't Care, Do They?
We'll have more to say about last night's events later on in the week, but for now all we can muster up is "Poor Daz", so:
Poor Daz
Poor Daz
Friday, May 19, 2006
Daz: Automatic Article
The big question on everyone lips right now is, of course, exactly how annoying Pete is going to get over the next 13 weeks - we're backing Imogen by the way. Mainly because she's very pretty and we're very shallow, but we do have deeper reasons than that: She's got a lovely Welsh accent too - but for those of you who aren't entirely focused on Big Brother, you may well be wondering whether Daz Sampson has any chance of winning Eurovision tomorrow. We've torn ourselves away from the live coverage just long enough to ponder this ourselves, and here's what we've come up with:-
music eurovision daz sampson
- The songs ace! This has got to put him in good stead. It's catchy and, as we've pointed out before, naggingly familiar in a isn't-he-ripping-off-the-chorus-from-somewhere kinda way. We've nearly worked out what song it reminds us of, unfortunately the only lyrics we know run "Na-na-na. Na-na-na-na-na-na-na. Na-na-na. Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na." and Google is proving to be remarkable unhelpful with only that to go on. Never mind though, it's vague familiarity should help it on its way to victory. However...
-'s a rap song. And hip-hop is not a genre that's exactly set the Eurovision world alight in the past. Remember Love City Groove? No, of course you don't. Mind you, they didn't have as good a tune as Daz. Or...
- ...schoolgirl dancers. Which is one of those ideas that doesn't sound quite as pervy on paper as it does in it's execution. Still, it's likely to provide an attractive counterpoint to the fact that...
- ...Daz is a balding man in his thirties and, if we remember our biblical stories - and we don't, frankly - Sampson only retained his strength while his locks were long and flowing, not while his slightly odd shaped head was visible and the only thing more distracting than his all-over denim combo. Of course, he may not exactly possess what we believe are known as 'leading man looks', but at least he's not...
- ...Dressed up in a troll mask. Actually, we're not sure if that's a pro or a con. We think the Finns might be in with a chance.
music eurovision daz sampson
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
10 Things We State About...

- A lot of schoolkids have found themselves having hits, mainly thanks to novelty tracks. Famous examples include Claire and Friends, St Winnifred's School Choir, and Limp Bizkit.
- On Pink Floyd's famous - and, indeed, only - number one, Another Brick in the Wall, the school kids sang "We don't need no education", clearly demonstrating why they did.
- Don't worry Britney, Angus Young and Girls Aloud. There's absolutely nothing wrong whatsoever with wearing a school uniform. As long as you're of school age, of course.
- Foregoing your education to have a career as a popstar is a great decision to make and not one that you'll at all regret when you're 35, working in your local fast food emporium with only a faded Smash Hit award to remind you of your glory days.
- But you should at least make sure you stay there long enough to work out the difference between 'net' and 'gross'
- Many bands formed when the protagonists were at school together. They often split up shortly after gaining a modicum of success, mainly because nothing makes you realise how much you hate your friends than spending 6 months on the road with them, rattling around a tiny tour bus, with only a selection of unpleasant Armenian porn to distract you from their irritating personal habits.
- Despite the prominence of music in the school curriculum, there aren't as many groups spawned out of that environment as you might expect. This is mainly because few people are willing to buy records consisting entirely of glockenspiel, recorder and chime bars.
- Marketing types believe that head girls are the taste makers of the nation and sent out copies of Jamie Cu
ntllum's latest album to them in a bid to boost his profile and announced this act to the media at large. This ploy which apparently met with great success, if only in alerting criminals to the poor taste of head girls and dramatically cutting down thefts of their iPods. - While Busted's What I Go To School For was a massive hit, the similarly themed hit by Rebecca Wand, The Headmaster Touched Me, There was less of a success and served mainly to get the Hurlington School for Girls closed, pending a full investigation.
- 'Mon the Daz!
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
The 88th Actual Worst Song, Ever

Broadly speaking, the prospect of London and, by extension, the UK having the Olympics in 2012 divided the country into two camps. Some see it as a great opportunity to showcase Britain at its best, a chance to boost tourism and increase investment in business, while giving the nation something to get behind, celebrate and enjoy. On the other hand, if you're not actually a Government minister, you're probably more likely to consider it to be a complete waste of time, energy, and money, and a sorry affair only of interest to anyone who's daft enough to consider "Running quite fast" to be a skill worthy of celebration, rather than something that's only of any real use if you live in a street mainly populated by hungry cheetahs or have an inability to remember bus timetables. Heather Small presumably falls into the former camp, as we're sure that the motivation for her releasing Proud, both the official anthem of the Olympic bid and The 88th Actual Worst Record, Ever, was purely down to her desire to see the bid succeed and nothing to do with desperately trying to find herself once again in a spotlight that had long since vanished in search of someone more talented and worthy of its attention.
If you believe her publicity, you'd no doubt consider Heather to be big of voice, hair, and personality, though frankly substituting the word "annoying" for "big" fits far more snugly. Undeniably she has a unique singing voice, but so do we and, other than occasional late night sing-a-longs, fuelled more by alcohol than talent, we know better than to inflict our own painful warblings on to the public at large. She initially found fame with M People, a band for whom the phrase "Shite of the highest order" was surely invented but, as a quick glance at the album charts will normally confirm, the public seems to have an insatiable desire for shite of the highest order, no matter how unpalatable it may seem to the rest of us. Fortunately the coming of the 21st century seemed to clear that particular cobweb from their heads, as the last time they made any impact on the charts was in 1999 with Dreaming. No, us neither.
And there, of course, it should have ended. While Shovel periodically finds himself dragged out from his box to reminisce on the Hacienda where he used to DJ - we presume any M People tracks were off the setlist until it was clearing out time at the end of the night - we fully expected - and, indeed, hoped - that that would be the last we saw of the Small. Alas, we figured without Ken "Finger on the Pulse of Modern Britain" Livingstone who decided that she would be the perfect figure to front the campaign to make London an Olympic city and, when we think about it, perhaps he had a point, as she's certainly someone who has potential to get the whole country behind her. When she's teetering on the edge of a cliff, perhaps, or looking at the view from the top of a very, very tall building. Despite the clear awfulness of Proud, with it's cod inspirational lyrics and half arsed gospel influences, this approach somehow worked and it, along with a number of not-officially-bribes from the bid committee, managed to persuade the Olympic organisers that, yes, London was crying out for a large scale regeneration project, funded mainly by the taxpayer - Oh, and some sort of sporting event - so fully deserved the poisoned chalice of the Games.
What have we done today to make us feel proud? Well, we didn't write this song. That'll do for starters.
music heather small
Monday, May 15, 2006
Thoughts of the Pops

- Fearne Cotton's back! And she's live in Dundee as part of the coverage for Radio 1's Big Weekend, the modern day equivalent of the Roadshow where they take over a town for a couple of days, fill two stages with a slightly predictable selection of bands and generally indulge in one hell of a brand awareness exercise. We're not quite sure when they manage to fit in Bits and Pieces and Smiley Miley's Mileage Game, however.
- First up was Sugababes doing their godawful version of Arctic Monkeys' godawful I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor, proving, if nothing else, that there's no pop heart beating in the centre of Alex Turner's output, just the pointless appendix of derivative indie.
- Heidi did, as she always does, have nice hair, however.
- Vernon Kay was dressed in the cowboy outfit Marty McFly wore when he first goes back to 1887 in Back to the Future: Part III. You know, the one that nearly gets him beaten up.
- We seem to be referencing Back to the Future quite a lot these days, don't we?
- Snow Patrol were doing a live version of You Are All That I Have. And that's live as in "They were on a stage, playing their instruments in front of an audience", by the way, not live as in an "actually having any sort of life, energy or excitement" kinda way.
- Chris Moyles is a cunt.
- Bullets by The Editors is really good, even if it does sound like it'd be more at home on a slightly more aggressive Aztec Camera album, as opposed to the 21st century.
- Jo Whiley introduced the album chart with all the soulless vapidity you'd expect from someone who thinks that Dido is a vital talent in the British music scene.
- Bang, Bang, You're Dead is still nothing more than a Libertines' B-side, but it did feature some live trumpet action, so Dirty Pretty Things can have some kudos for that.
- Chris Moyles is still a cunt.
- And, as if to prove that Jo Whiley doesn't hold the monopoly on soulless vapidity, here's Corrine Bailey Rae!
- Against our better judgement, we really like Primal Scream's Country Girl. Yes, even with the fact it contains the line "Keep on keeping on" in it. Perhaps we can get something from the doctor to sort us out.
- P!nk's clearly struck some sort of deal with the devil whereby she's only allowed to release one genuinely brilliant song from each record, having forgone the aceness of Stupid Girls for the irrelevancy of Who Knew.
- Chris Moyles. Cunt. Still. Etc.
- Gnarls Barkley. Number one. Still. Etc.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
The 89th Actual Worst Song, Ever

If you've ever seen Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat you'll have come away from it knowing two salient facts. One is that Ancient Egypt was ruled not by dignified and revered Pharohs as you might have thought, but instead was controlled by a poor quality Elvis impersonator who likes nothing better than forcing members of his court to dress up as cattle and dance for him, the other being that anything multicoloured is good by definition. It's a somewhat questionable hypothesis - yes, that's right, we've used the word hypothesis - given that generally the sight of someone wearing a multicoloured coat doesn't have you thinking "Wow! They are so cool!", but instead is more likely to make you think of them dismissively as an attention seeking hippy, and an attention seeking hippy with poor fashion sense at that. But still, if Andrew Lloyd-Webber - and, to a lesser extent, the Bible - say it then it must be true, so any band that decides to style themselves in a monotone fashion must be pretty dull indeed. Ladies and gentlemen, we give you Blue.
Not only did Lee, Duncan, The One from I'm a Celebrity... and The Other One decide to name themselves after a lone colour but, as if to compound the mistake, they chose a particularly dull colour to name themselves after. Given that the Crayola colour wheel contains such gems as Electric Lime, Hot Magenta, Laser Lemon and the slightly dubiously named Purple Mountain Majesty, they could have gone for something so much more interesting. Even Burnt Sienna has its plus points, but no, they went for Blue, a colour which speaks more of dead bodies being dredged from lakes than exciting, fun pop music. So, come to think of it, perhaps they were right to choose that particular moniker.
While it was, perhaps, inevitable they would turn up in this list, it was a struggle choosing exactly which example of their mediocre art should represent them here. Should it be One Love, with its laughable "One love for the hip hop beats" line? Perhaps All Rise, with it's excruiating courtroom metaphor. Guilty, maybe? Certainly the anguished delivery of the "But I'm Guillllllty" line is just crying out for a 3T-esque petulant throwing of a rucksack down onto the ground, but no, it's none of those. Instead it's Fly By which is Blue's representative here. Why? Uh, have you heard it? It's a desperate attempt to sound all street and sexy, despite the fact that listening to this leaves you with the impression that the nearest they've ever got to bump 'n' grind is having a car accident. Indeed, the main gist of the song is that they want to do the dirty in a car - "after dark", they add hopefully, knowing that few ladies are likely to be impressed by the offer of a quick fumble in Sainsbury's car park while shoppers attempt to load up their boots on either side of them. Later they claim to have "UK style, UK flow. We got you hot like whoa". A statement that left those of us lucky enough to have dual nationality quickly renouncing their British passports.
Despite the obvious fears, the Blue split hasn't led to four god-awful solo careers. Not that they haven't tried, of course, but thankfully they all seem to have vanished into the obscurity they deserve, with the exception of Simon Webbe's Lighthouse Family cast off No Worries, of course, which still seems to be torturing our ears whenever we turn on The Hits. It won't be long now, though, until even his career flies by into the dim and distant past like Concorde in a hurry. Arf.
music blue
Friday, May 12, 2006
The 90th Actual Worst Record, Ever

Like listening to Simply Red albums, watching footage of Chico stripping or going to the clinic with an STD, paying the license fee is a largely unpopular pastime which has failed to endear itself to the nation, who tend to do so in a largely begrudged manner. To this end the BBC regularly produces short commercials to encourage us to do so, happily ignoring the irony that one of the benefits of paying the license fee should be that we aren't subjected to commercials every 30 minutes. These generally have about as much effect as breathing hot air onto an iceberg, as few people who have been happily dodging the £100 or so tax for the last few years are unlikely to be suddenly spurred into action by seeing David Walliams and Matt Lucas arsing around dressed as various popstars. Indeed, many good, honest, license fee payers who saw David Walliams and Matt Lucas arsing around on the last series of Little Britain may well be considering withholding their contribution until the BBC stop wasting it on lazy turn up, do the catchphrase, then bugger off and count your money 'comedy', but we digress. While most of these have stuck in the mind like your average bus journey into work, one of them became so potent and powerful that it was eventually released as a spin-off single in its own right. We are, of course, talking about Perfect Day.
It was 1997 and at the time the BBC was attempting to convince everyone that they were just great at covering music, an argument which was perhaps more convincing back then, with Mark and Lard and John Peel still working at Radio One, while Colin and Edith and their clear hatred for music being nothing more than a glint in Satan's eyes. The best way to do this, reckoned some big high up guy who probably gets paid a lot of money, was to get a selection of top recording artists into the studio to each record a line of a song about heroin. We're not sure if the idea genuinely was to liken the concept of a public service network to that of a highly addictive drug were dealers generally jack up the price to obscene levels just as you begin to realise that the alternatives - read ITV - just can't give you the hit you crave, but it's certainly a good analogy.
Now, had the brief to get "A selection of top recording artists into the studio" been fulfilled, this might have actually been 'quite good'. A quick scan through the list of number ones for 1997 reveals that they should have been looking at getting acts like The Spice Girls, Hanson, Aqua and White Town involved. So did they? What do you think? This is the BBC we're talking about! An organisation that genuinely believed that the grating voices of Zoe Ball and Sara Cox were what the nation wanted to wake up to in the morning. Instead, they decided to get the following artists on board:-
- Lou Reed - Well, he did write the thing, so he was entitled to get on board. Whether he knew exactly who would be joining him on the song is debatable, but whether Lou Reed knows anything about what's going on is debatable.
- Bono - Yeah, like his ego would have prevented him getting involved in this. He probably wasn't even invited but, a bit like Rachel for the Live 8 recording, just turned up anyway. Rachel wore a nicer scarf, though.
- Sky - Come on! You must remember. She was in Morcheeba. Morcheeba. No? Oh well, never mind.
- David Bowie - Bowie, of course, worked with Lou Reed before, during his time living in Berlin. On his return to the UK he gave the waiting cameras a Nazi salute, though he now denies this, claiming he was waving and the camera caught him at the wrong time, a defence which is perhaps believable had he not followed it up by claiming a small, black, square butterfly had flown into shot at the same time, giving him the appearance of a Hitler moustache, while simultaneously some ninjas threw some remarkably right angled shurikens in his general direction, hence the appearance of a swastika upon his right arm.
- Suzanne Vega - "Her name is Luka, and she dances on the sand. Just like some river twisting through a dusty land". That was her, wasn't it?
- Elton John - This was Elton's second number one of the year, as he'd previously taken the top spot in September thanks to a drunken princess and a drunken driver driving drunkenly into a wall. Or was murdered by the MI5, Prince Philip, the Tellytubbys or whatever nonsense the Daily Express is spouting this week in a desperate attempt to sell papers.
- Boyzone - Possibly the greatest "Do they really know what this song's about?" moment until good Christian group Sixpence None the Richer decided to tackle The La's There She Goes.
- Lesley Garrett - Because, you know, Radio 3 is there as well. And she had her awful chatshow to promote.
- Burning Spear - Because, you know, reggae has such a high profile on Radio 1. Hang on...
- Thomas Allen - Another opera singer. It's good to get the all out of the way as soon as possible, though.
- Brodsky Quartet - We guess they meant to book Bronski Beat.
- Heather Small - Jesus wept.
- Emmylou Harris - Your dad may have fancied her. If your dad was into country singers, that is. The freak.
- Tammy Wynette - She's justified, and she's ancient. Well, dead, actually, but her contribution to one of the many fine moments produced by The KLF is not to be sniffed at.
- Shane McGowan - And as one, every license fee dodger in the country immediately phoned the BBC to promise they'd pay, just as long as some of the cash went towards helping him get his teeth fixed.
- Sheona White - The BBC Young Musician of the Year, 1997. It says here. A quick google reveals that she's now playing for the Yorkshire Building Society Brass Band. She must be so proud.
- Dr John - See! Now this is were they could have included Aqua. Some people went mad trying to work out who was who in this advert, and Dr John may well have thrown a few people. To save their sanity, Aqua could have popped up after his line singing "Dr John, Dr John, Look! It's Dr John! Dr John, Dr John, Wake up now (Wake up now)".
- Robert Cray - A blues singer and not, we're reliably informed, a type of fish.
- Huey - From the Fun Loving Criminals. Even the BBC must have realised that this was a bit of a crap booking as his entire contribution was the line "Someone good. Yeah".
- Ian Brodie - Whenever Ian finishes a hard day at the recording studio, he always phones his wife to let him know he's on his way back. "I'm coming home, I'm coming home, I'm coming", he says to her, "Brodie's coming home".
- Gabrielle - It's no surprise that she got involved with this. It was always going to guarantee a publicity boost and Gabrielle's always had one eye on the prize. Literally.
- Evan Dando - This was five years after Mrs Robinson and they still expected people to give a shit who he was. Impressive.
- Courtney Pine - Courtney initially achieved fame as a jazz saxophonist, but has recently found a new fanbase by dressing up as a woman and entering Australian Idol.
- Brett Anderson - Was only briefly involved due to him ruining nearly every take by attempting to insert the words "Gasoline" and "Neon" into every line.
- Visual Ministery Choir - No, us neither.
- Joan Armatrading - After founding Armatrading in 1968, the name taken from her initials, Joan made her fortune in the eighties getting involved in the computer business. She is now the ruthless businessman on the British version of The Apprentice and has made "You're fired" a catchphrase up and down the country thanks to her ruthless, no-nonsense, but highly watchable management technique.
- Laurie Anderson - Best known for Suddenly, the theme to Scott and Charlene's wedding in Neighbours.
- Tom Jones - Impressively, this isn't the worst song featuring both Tom Jones and Heather Small.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
10 Things We State About...

- Despite being from across the Irish sea, Snow Patrol are often claimed to be a Scottish band, simply by virtue of having been based in Glasgow for a bit. Similarly Bush are often considered to be from America, despite being Brits through and through and Chico, now based in London but originally from Chile, is widely thought of as a cunt.
- Lead singer Gary Lightbody's name is a million times more interesting than anything the band have ever done.
- The other members of the band are so anonymous that Lord Lucan has been drumming for them for the last two years.
- Snow Patrol were originally called Polar Bears. As anyone who watches Lost will know, polar bears seem to be a vitally important plot point - for some reason - due to their frequent appearances on both the island and in flashback, so there may be some sort of link between the band and Driveshaft, Charlie's godawful band who would be lucky to sell more than 5 records if they were a real band and not just a fictional construct. At the very least they'll end up stranded on an island after a plane crash of their very own.
- Run definitely wasn't ripped off of Coldplay's Yellow. In much the same was as Fuck me, that's margarine? isn't a rip off I Can't Believe it's Not Butter.
- They took their name from a slang term for cleaners at music industry parties.
- They once released a single entitled 100 Things You Should Have Done in Bed. Number one was "Kick the blankets up with your legs and pretend you're in a tent", number two was "Jump up and down on it like a trampoline", while number three was "Sleep". They ran out of ideas after that.
- During the winter, when there are no longer any second stage, mid-afternoon slots at festivals to keep their coffers tiding over, the band keep the money rolling in with their snow clearance and path gritting service.
- They're the second most famous Snow Patrol in the world. The other is the route taken by the former rapper of Informer fame when he goes around checking his neighbourhood for leaky boom boom gutters.
- Spitting Games is quite good, mind.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
The 91st Actual Worst Record, Ever

California is a rather lovely state in America, all sunshine, oranges and girls and boys wandering around dressed in a not exactly complete manner, so it comes as no surprise that various artists have been inspired to pen paeans to this not exactly unpleasant place, and that most of these songs too involve sunshine, oranges and girls and boys wandering around dressed in a not exactly complete manner. When Phantom Planet, on the other hand, decided to write about the state, they felt that full on whininess was a far more suitable style for their state song, and so it is that California is as enjoyable a listening experience as doing the dishes and fully deserves its place as the 91st actual worst record, ever.
Of course, we realise that not every song about California could be by the Beach Boys, no matter how much we might wish that they all could be California Girls, and we should perhaps give thanks that they aren't going on about how fake it is there, man, but even so it takes a certain perverse talent to take all the positivity and hippy happiness that can be found on the west coast and turn it into the musical equivalent of being a bit annoyed because your phone's run out of credit and you really can't be arsed going down to the garage for a top-up. And for managing to make a song about California which is worse than the Red Hot Chilli Peppers' 'effort' they perhaps deserve some sort of credit. Lyrically it's a bit more upbeat, with its chorus of "California! Here we come!" - the exclamation mark appears in the lyric website we're using as a reference, not in the singer blokey's own intonation - but performance wise you get the feeling the lead singer thinks we should consider ourselves honoured that he deigned to drag himself out of bed and get to the studio to record this.
This is probably best known as it's the theme tune to Rich Kids Arse Around Like Cunts, otherwise known as The OC, so we at least have the satisfaction of knowing that they'll have the same sort of long term career as other bands who've provided the themes to other American series of the past. Bands like Remy Zero, The Rembrandts, Nerf Header, etc. Though the less said about Dido and her Roswell theme, the better. And about Roswell too, for that matter.
music phantom planet
Monday, May 08, 2006
Thoughts of the Pops

- No Fearne this week. :( Her replacement, Trevor Nelson, doesn't look nearly so fetching in brightly coloured tights. We'd imagine.
- Keane have spent the time since their last album writing some new songs and almost falling out. They certainly haven't been spending it shopping for new clothes, getting decent haircuts or having dancing lessons.
- Singer blokey may have found some time to spend with chips, however.
- We've heard Matt Willis's Up All Night a few times now, and we still can't work out if it's good or not. Can someone decide for us? Cheers.
- RETRO: Bruce Springsteen doing Dancing in the Dark. Bruce, who wrote Blue Toothbrush, Pink Toothbrush of course, pulls Courtney Cox out from the audience to dance with him in this video. Given her not exactly natural moves it would have been better for the pair of them if the lights had gone out for their performance.
- Born to Run is ace, mind.
- The girl from Infernal, performing the incredibly ace From Paris to Berlin, was dressed much in the manner of an erotic ice cream girl - Miss Whippy, perhaps? Nice cornetto's, etc.
- Despite SOS being rather fab, Rihanna performed it with all the joy and enthusiasm of a teenage girl being forced to perform a party piece she's long since grown out of for the benefit of her grandparents at Christmas time.
- We doubt her grandparents would have appreciated those shorts, however.
- A version of Keane's Bedshaped in Italian was sung by Vittorio, a one man Il Divo. Those of you who, like Hilary Duff, can do the maths will know that this means he must be 25% as good as Il Divo, a number which is as near to zero as makes no odds.
- Feeder have been going for ten years. Grant Nicholls has had the same haircut for 8 of them.
- Daz Sampson's Teenage Life is ace, is it not? Though we do wonder at exactly what point he decided that having 4 girls dressed in a short skirted school uniform dancing behind him wouldn't make him look like a bit of a perv.
- Orson are still fucking shit.
- And Gnarls Barkley are still number one. Don't you people know how to use limewire?
Thursday, May 04, 2006
I See Girls
FHM Magazine recently announced its annual list of the 100 Sexiest Women and for the third year running they've made a printing error. Two years ago they somehow managed to avoid including Miss Nicola Roberts, Last year they failed to place in her in her rightful position at number one, making it appear that she was languishing in mid table mediocrity, while this year they seem to have printed the entire list upside down, so that Nic appears to be at the bottom of the list, rather than at the top. You think they'd have someone to check these things and make sure they get it right, wouldn't you? The majority of the list is made up of various girls who have little to recommend them other than their seeming inability to afford any clothing from the waist up, but the FHM readership is not averse to trawling the music channels in their desperate search for masterbatory material while they wait optimistically for their chance to actually meet a real lady, so here are FHM's Sexiest Women in Pop, 2006 Edition:-
- 6. Cheryl Tweedy - When Girls Aloud eventually decide they've tired of hanging around the kitchen in their underwear, pretending to be ladies, Cheryl has already made plans to team up with Rolf Harris to make both records and clothes together, under the name of Harris Tweedy.
- 7. Beyonce Knowles - Beyonce is terrified of the dark and requires all her partners to keep watch over her while she's sleeping lest the monsters under the bed get her. It was this trait which was the inspiration for recent hit Check on It. Also, after wowing casting directors all over the world with her performances in such high quality comedies as The Pink Panther and Austin Powers: Goldmember, a great battle are currently being fought as to which film will be next to feature her prodigious talents; she'll either be playing Olive in On The Buses or Mrs Slocombe in Are You Being Served.
- 10. Jessica Simpson - Few people have managed to make a successful career out of being a bit dumb. Most, such as Chico or Jamie Cullum, forge their success out of the rest of the country being dumb.
- 11. Billie Piper - We love Billie's Adventures in Time, the BBC 1 series starring Billie as a time traveller with David Tennant as her hapless assistant, but we'd love it even more if she did a comeback tour, performing all the classics we know and love. Come on, love, Take That did it to great acclaim and you were much better and more popular that they ever were.
- 13. Lindsay Lohan - We recently discovered that somewhere in Scotland there's a street called Lindsay Loan - and also two houses called Craig David and Lemar right next door to each other - we so plan on moving there.
- 14. Rachel Stevens - Well, at least the FHM readership still love you, even if the vast majority of the record buying public couldn't give two hoots.
- 15. Sarah Harding - Most of her votes were probably sent in by Callum Best. We're not sure if they're currently together or not, we believe it depends entirely on what time of the day it is.
- 31. Jennifer Ellison - Jenny has recently started up her own lingerie range, which is fair enough really as her previous career was a load of pants as well.
- 33. Hilary Duff - We can't get enough of that wonderful Duff.
- 38. Christina Aguilera - She'll be back this year with exciting new material: a special wipe clean inlay card.
- 40. Charlotte Church - And to think vicars spend half their time complaining that not enough people take part in Church worship these days.
- 43. Jennifer Lopez - Jennifer Lopez has a big arse. Sorry, is, is a big arse.
- 49. Nicole Scherzinger - She's one of the Pussycat Dolls. If she was a real doll, she'd probably be one of those scary looking Bratz dolls. Or a Butt Ugly Martian.
- 55. Nadine Coyle - Despite the average age of FHM's readers being about 12, it seems the lollipop look which she's currently favouring - eat, woman, eat - isn't as popular with them as you'd think.
- 63. Holly Valance - Holly's recently returned to the world of acting and is currently simultaneously playing a number of roles as she fraudulently claims threseparatete dole cheques and four lots of housing benefits.
- 65. Joss Stone - Our friend reckons she looks like a lion. We're noconvinceded our friend has ever seen a lion.
- 66. Kimberley Walsh - No longer looks a bit like Pete Burns, which can only be a good thing.
- 69. Fergie (The Black Eyed Peas) - Oh, for fuck's sake.
- 83. Gwen Stefani - Face it, if you dressed anyone up in a cheerleader's uniform, they'd probably get the FHM vote. Even Pete Burns.
- 84. Nicola Roberts - Have we mentioned that we find her ever so slightly attractive?
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
10 Things We State About...

- Charlotte may claim to love it when you say her name, but when we tested this theory by phoning her every five minutes, saying "Charlotte" down the phone before hanging up, she reacted in a very angry manner indeed, which culminated in her telling us to "Fuck off" at 5 in the morning, before threatening to set her boyfriend on us.
- Charlotte has met some of the world's most powerful and influential people. From the old Pope, via a couple of presidents, all the way to Paul O'Grady and Cilla Black, she's communed with them all, and always looked disappointed when they turned down her offer of going out for a few jars afterwards.
- She won the Rear of the Year award shortly after celebrating her 16th birthday. This meant that the judges had spent most of their time appraising the merits of a 15yo girl's arse. Despite this, not one of them was arrested and put on the sex offenders register. No wonder Gary Glitter's pissed.
- Even God Can't Change the Past, she reckons. This presumably means that Marty McFly, who's changed the past on umpteen occasions, is more powerful than God. This seems fair.
- A skilled musician can make beautiful music from Charlotte's spleen, kidneys and heart. Of course, not everyone has the patience required to play a Church Organ.
- Crazy Chick was written after Charlotte spent some time on an a farm belonging to an ex-member of Blazin' Squad and became quite enamoured with his poultry collection.
- Cheeky Vimto is made by mixing port with blue WKD, adding in some nitroglycerine, closing your eyes and hoping for the best.
- If you didn't make it to a Charlotte Church concert, don't bother going to a Catholic Church concert and hoping it'll be just as good. It'll likely involve slightly less Gloria Estefan covers and a lot more latin. Both end with the front person, be they priest or Charlotte, enthusiastically storming their way through Crazy Chick
- Her back catalogue isn't worth investigating. Not unless you are actually a granny, still annoyed that your grandchildren are now grandadults.
- Moodswings really is ace, you know. Really, really ace.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
The 92nd Actual Worst Record, Ever

In music some trends last forever, while others crash and burn like a badly designed space rocket. The tendency for guitar bands to believe that the only band worth
Of course, the thing about bootlegs was that they were largely crap. Generally there'd be one good moment in the track where the two separate songs came together like a key in a lock, an orange and a juicer, or a piano lid onto Jamie Cullum's fingers, a moment where it all made perfect sense and made you want to frug upon the dance floor like you've never frugged before. At least not in public, anyway. Despite the genius of that moment, however, the rest of the song would genuinely sound pretty much like what you'd expect two songs being played at the same time to sound like: an ungodly mess and painful to listen to. Or The Pussycat Dolls as it's otherwise known. There were a few genuinely brilliant ones out there though; one was tieing Nelly's Country grammar to The Grange Hill Theme, while another was A Stroke of Genius.
A Stroke of Genius teamed up Christina Aguilera's Genie in a Bottle with The Strokes' Hard to Explain. It was ace for a number of reasons, mainly because it involved Christina Aguilera and most things involving Christina Aguilera - rubbish theme songs for movies about sharks excepted - are ace, but also because it used the music from The Strokes' only song which actually lived up to the hype that surrounds them like the stench of vanilla surrounds Shayne Ward. The two songs complimented each other perfectly, it was unexpected, it worked, it made you smile, and you could dance to it, so all in all it was a really great, unique thing. Indeed, part of it's charm was it's uniqueness, so it would take a remarkably uninspired and imagination free band to decide to cover it in a desperate bid to have a hit and make some sort of impact on the music scene.
Step forward then Speedway, a Scottish band who were last seen attempting to convince the world that Bryan Adams wanted them to support him before Jill Jackson made a half hearted attempt at a solo career before realising that even her own mother would be unlikely to make the trip to a record shop and buy one of her records. Jill also managed to make a slight name for herself - the sort of name you might sew into the back of your gym shorts - when she slagged off people from Fame Academy, Pop Idol and the like, presumably for not being as original and creative as a band who cover a bootleg and pass it off as their own work, before promptly going out with Fame Academy graduate Alex Parks, a girl who, despite being entirely unknown before taking part in the show, currently has an even lower profile than that. The lack of imagination in Jill's target for her vague bile was matched in their decision to release their version of the Stroke of Genius cover, which went out under the Genie in a Bottle name as an attempt to convince the public that this was all their own idea and they weren't just acting like a parasitic tapeworm, sucking out the talent of others. The public, fortunately, remained relatively unconvinced, with this just managing to sneak into the top ten, but this was already more, far more, success than they deserved.
music speedway
Monday, May 01, 2006
Thoughts of the Pops

- Chicane ft Tom Jones are Stoned in Love. And if the pair of them ever turn up at a nightclub in our general vicinity they'll be stoned there as well. With stones.
- The secondary drummer bloke - well, he had a pair of tom-toms in front of him - was so bored with the whole affair that he spent half the song juggling.
- Like his former band mate, Carl Barat from Dirty Pretty Things has also failed to realise that The Libertines talent well dried up shortly after Time For Heroes and it's been a long, pointless, downward spiral of rubbishness since then.
- At least Pete Doherty has the excuse that he's so drug addled that he barely knows what day his next court appearance is on, let alone whether the music he's releasing is any cop or not.
- Mind you, Carl reckons that employing someone from The Cooper Temple Clause is a good idea, so his judgment can't be all that hot either.
- Graham Coxon is releasing You & I. What he gains in grammatical correctness he loses in actual tunefulness. Swings and roundabouts, really.
- And is red converses with slightly too short trousers really a good look?
- As a band Snow Patrol thrill about as much as the teacups ride at Alton Towers. Or a nice cup of Horlicks.
- Jamie Cullum is still a cunt. Even while his performance is being forwarded as fast as our video recorder will let us.
- Despite exhorting us to Skip to the End, we'd rather skip back to The Futureheads' beginnings as, much as we love them - and we do - they've never really topped Carnival Kids, have they?
- Gnarls Barkley are still number one. It's like we've never been away.