
Talent in a Previous Life

Because It's Never Just About the Music

Monday, January 10, 2005

Kenzie Watch: Day 3 

It had to happen, all the tension finally got too much for Kenzie and he exploded messily in the bedroom. This is not, however, anything to do with Jeremy, although the two of them did find themselves getting all sticky and messy and covered in a white liquidy substance earlier in the evening, although this was part of a dirty Big Brother assault course, rather than any other sort of dirty assault. Instead it was John McCririck that felt the full force of Kenzie's youthful wrath, and all over the simple act of closing a door.

The argument had it's root in the results of the assault course. The housemates didn't exactly shower themselves in glory during the task, although they did manage to shower themselves with shit, which, as they were playing to win back their shopping, meant that the contents of their kitchen cupboard where somewhat decimated. John was quite upset about this, particularly over the fact that they weren't given either their milk, or the diet coke which he seemed to value so dearly. As a result of this he went into a sulk and refused to talk to anyone for the rest of the evening, all the while nurturing a festering grudge against Big Brother which grew and grew as the night went on.

Despite Kenzie getting Big Brother to exchange their runner beans for some milk - an interaction which involved Kenzie happily declaring that "I am not a Runner Bean man", though we do feel that he's fond of fruit - John still wasn't happy and went to bed early, his top lip stuck out petulantly, leaving the others to get drunk and have a good time.

Eventually tough, the good times had to stop and the housemates started to head bedwards. Last to hit the sack was Kenzie and, before he left, Big Brother asked him if he could make sure the bedroom door was closed to allow essential maintenance work to be carried out while the housemates slept, not a hugely unreasonable request but, once Kenzie carried it out all hell broke loose. As Kenzie shut the door behind him, John immediately leapt up and demanded to know what the hell he was doing. Kenzie explained, only for John to accuse him of being weak and bowing down to Big Brother rather than standing up for himself and was just crawling to them as he was a little boy. Kenzie did not take this very well and promptly responded by saying "I ain't fucking weak", John restated that he was, leading to Kenzie politely coming back with "Do you think I give a fuck? You don't know me, don't talk to me like I'm a little fucking boy!". Lisa stepped in to try and calm things down but to no avail as he carried on with his rant, now telling John "Don't ducking patronise me because I'm 19, I'll slap you about. You're nothing. You dickhead.". John seemingly decided that discretion was the better part of valour at this point as he shut up sharpish, leaving Caprice to take Kenzie out of the bedroom and into the kitchen area in a bid to stop a bit of a fisticuffs taking place.

Whether Jeremy was impressed by this piece of testosterone fueled machismo is not yet known, but we'll keep you posted.