Friday, February 13, 2004
Thoughts of the Pops
Another awards ceremony has been and gone, but it was only the NME one and any event that thinks that giving any sort of prize to Kings of Leon, let alone one involving the word 'best', is a good idea can safely be filed away under "irrelevant, pointless and, quite frankly, laughable". Still, never mind, there must be some gems of musical enjoyment lurking in this weeks Top of the Pops? Surely? Ah well, never mind. Here's what we learnt from this weeks show:-
- The more we see of Busted the more we miss North and South
- Ronan Keating's new song, presumably about his manager, has the lyrics "She believes in me, I'll never know what she sees in me". For the first time ever we can relate to what he sings.
- Unless Hyrise represent us, we have more chance of turning into anthropmorphic diamonds overnight than we do of winning the Eurovision Song Contest.
- Either there was a wind fan directly in front of Jamelia or she had a terrible case of flatulance. Also, her new single amounts to exactly what Christina said in Fighter, only about a hundred and twenty-three times worse.
- Judging by the amount of times Blazin' Squad have appeared on TotP since the relaunch, we can only surmise that they are blackmailing the productions staff.
- Judging by the fact that Tim Kash is still presenting the show, despite showing no obvious signs of improvement, we can only surmise that he, too, is blackmailing the production staff.
- LMC are still at number one. Normally at this point we'd say "Oh, for fucks sake" and be done with it, but instead we're going to count our blessings as we're horribly aware of what's going to be hitting the top spot on Sunday...